General terms and conditions (GTC)
KPD-Medien Consult GmbH
For services of
Felsgasse 9/22, 1110 Wien
Commercial register no: FN 328102d, Commercial Court Vienna

  1. Scope of application
    1.1 These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) shall apply to all business relations between the customer and our branch
    1.2 The GTC formally valid at the time of contract formation are relevant. Differing, conflicting or additional general terms, even if known, do not form part of the contract, accept in the case or our having expressly agreed to such validity in writing. We object explicitly to any general terms of customers including to their validity.
    1.3 Changes in the GTC will be announced to the customer and are considered to be accepted, if the customer does not object to them in writing within 14 days. The customer will be explicitly informed about the implication of him not objecting.
    1.4 This is a translation of the German version auf the GTC (as called AGB). Any translation of these GTC is solely for information and service purposes. Any contractual relationship will always be based on the German version of the GTC and is herewith considered as agreed. When interpreting the contract solely the German version is to be used.
  2. Subject matter of the Contract
    2.1 We undertake the task of exchanging for our customer bank notes and coins (hereinafter referred to as “Expired Money”), that have ceased to be legal tender due to the implementation of the EURO at the end of the dual circulation period on 28 February 2002 at the respective central bank,. We offer our service for former currencies (expired money) as follows: ATS, BEF, DM, EEK, IEP, LUF, MTL, NLG, PTE, SKK, SIT, ESP, LVL & CYP
    2.2 A conversion of Expired Money can only be made if the Central Banks accept and change the respective notes and coins. In this context legal regulations of the respective countries/Central Banks apply and we have no influence on such regulations. We provide further information on the possibility of an exchange of notes and coins at
    2.3 At the express request of the customer we ship an order form, our GTC (AGB) and a return envelope which has to be stamped by the customer. Such requests can be submitted via the request screen at or via our hotline.
    2.4 The order form is to be filled out by the customer and to be returned together with the Expired Money.
    2.5 The customer may send us the expired money in an envelope of his choice without previously contacting us.
    2.6 With the arrival of the shipment of the Expired Money, the customer submits an offer for an exchange order, which we can accept expressly or by actual performance.
    2.7 In any case we can only accept this offer if the customer has filled out or stated his name, contact information (address, mail), bank data und the correct amount of the shipped Expired Money in a legible manner.
    2.8 The name and postal address of the customer is to be indicated on the envelope as sender. We strongly recommend that the customer uses an insured letter. More information can be obtained by the customer at his local postal service.
    2.9 In the case of damage to the envelope or if the envelope is not tightly closed when arriving we will return the envelope to the sender without further processing.
    2.10 Following the opening of the envelope we record the arrival and its content. In case the customer indicated his e-mail address, we inform him of the status of arrival, which is not yet an order acceptance.
    2.11 We also inform the customer if the actual amount of Expired Money does not correspond to the customer’s statement on the order form/accompanying letter. In such a case the customer may confirm the offer for an exchange order for the amount of Expired Money notified to him as the amount contained in his envelope (Section 2.6 above applies). In any other case we refuse the exchange order and return the shipment.
    2.12 We are at any time entitled to refuse an exchange order without giving reasons. In such a case we will return the Expired Money forthwith.
    2.13 We execute an exchange order within 21 days of acceptance and transfer the received Euros within further 14 days.
    2.14 In case a Central Bank refuses to exchange Expired Money we inform the customer and return the refused bills and/or coins. In case of confiscation by a Central Bank during the exchange process, especially by reason of counterfeited money, we will inform the customer. We exclude any liability in such a case.
    2.15 The exchange is conducted in our name but for the account of the customer. Any and all applicable disclosure rules will be observed.
  3. Risk bearing
    We shall at all time execute the order honestly and carefully.
    The customer bears the risk of accidental destruction or change for the worse of the Expired Money. Hence the customer bears especially the risk of sending the expired money via postal service and subsequently for the risk during errands to and from the respective Central Banks, especially also in case of Expired Money being lost due to a criminal act by a third party.
  4. Remuneration
    4.1 For our service we charge a fixed service charge of 5 EUR.
    4.2 In addition we charge a commission as listed below:
    Total exchange value (i.e. all former currencies summed up)
    up to 499,99 EUR ………………………. 30%
    up to 599,99 EUR ………………………. 29%
    up to 699,99 EUR ………………………. 28%
    up to 799,99 EUR ………………………. 27%
    up to 899,99 EUR ………………………. 26%
    up to 999,99 EUR ………………………. 25%
    up to 1099,99 EUR ………………………. 24%
    up to 1199,99 EUR ………………………. 23%
    up to 1299,99 EUR ………………………. 22%
    up to 1399,99 EUR ………………………. 21%
    more than 1399,99 ………………………. 20%
    The settlement of the commission is charged progressively at current tariffs.
    4.3 The service charge becomes due on arrival of the envelope. The commission becomes due on exchanging the Expired Money.
    4.4 We are entitled to discount the commission directly from the Euro amount received through exchanging the Expired Money.
    4.5 The transfer of the Euro amount is executed at customer’s expense and risk.
  5. Warranty
    Our warranty is as per the statutory provisions of §§922 ff ABGB (Austrian Civil Code).
  6. Limitations of liability and indemnification
    Our liability including the liability of and for our employees, subcontractors and/or other persons assisting in our performance of the contract (^"People") is limited to cases of intentional or grossly negligent behavior; liability for any other form of negligence, especially ordinary negligence is excluded. This exclusion of liability is not applicable to personal injury. As far as our liability is excluded, such exclusion also applies to the personal responsibility of our People.
  7. Data
    7.1 The customer consents to the processing and storage of personal data, like name, surname, gender, academic degree, place and date of birth, address, invoice address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail-address within the framework of existing legislation (esp. privacy laws) for the purpose of the execution of the order. The customer is entitled to withdraw his consent at any time by sending short notice to the e-mail address:
    7.2 We shall not make personal data available to third parties. The provided data and personal information is protected with the highest possible diligence against unauthorized access by a third party. Within the scope of reasonableness we will adopt all measures to ensure the security of personal data. Anyhow we point the fact that the World Wide Web is accessible by anyone and it is not possible to completely avoid misuse. Therefore, it is not possible to exclude unauthorized access to such data and personal information by a third party completely, even with all measures of diligence.
    7.3 The customer has to inform us of any change in the provided personal data immediately. We are not liable for any disadvantage or damage of the customer resulting from not providing us with such updated information.
  8. Miscellaneous Provisions
    8.1 For all disputes out of or in the context of these GTC and the contracts based thereon including obligations preceding and following the conclusion and/or performance of the contract, the exclusive jurisdiction of the court in 1010 1.1 Vienna with competence ratione materiae is stipulated. Place of fulfillment is 1010 Vienna.
    8.2 If the customer is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, the venue for actions brought by us against the customer is only agreed if at the date of the contract the customer is domiciled or habitually resident in Vienna.
    8.3 Under all circumstances a place of jurisdiction in Austria is agreed with our customers.
    8.4 Austrian material excluding UN-Sales of Goods law is applicable.
    8.5 If any provision of this contract in whole or in part, is or becomes invalid, or if there is a gap in the contract, then the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. Instead of the invalid provision or the gap, an appropriate provision which, as far as legally possible, comes closest to the invalid provision which the parties intended, or for the purpose of this contract would have wanted, is considered to be agreed.
    8.6 The present contract exhaustively regulates the contractual relationship of the parties.
    8.7 Modifications and Amendments of this contract are due to be in written form. This includes a deviation from the written form. Forwarding via e-mail or fax suit the written form; the same is true for clicking on a corresponding button.
    8.8 Unless stated otherwise reference in this GTC to natural persons in only the masculine form, such reference applies to women and men equally. In applying the term to certain individuals, the gender-specific form is to be used.
In case discrepancies the German version applies!
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