Frequently asked questions

Click on the question to see the respective answer.

  • Q: Which currencies can i exchange?
    A: Belgian franc, Deutsche Mark, Estonian kroon, Irish pound, Luxembourg franc, Maltese lire, Dutch Guilder, Austrian Schilling, Portuguese escudos, Slovak koruna, Slovenian tolar, Spanish pesetas, Latvian lats and Cypriot pound. For further information click here.
  • Q: Why should I use the services of Euromoney?
    A: Because our services are unique, you won’t find it anywhere else. Such a convenient, safe and fast way to reactivate your "money" you’ll find only here! With Euromoney24 you can change all former European currencies in just one easy step.
  • Q: How long will it take to get my money?
    A: It usually takes 30 days until receipt of payment (after receipt of your "money").
  • Q: Why should I exchange right now?
    A: Some of the former currencies will become invalid, thus worthless soon. Additionally your money looses value due to inflation day by day…everyday!
  • Q: Why shuld I trust Euromoney?
    A: Here we recap, how we can guarantee that things will run safe and smoothly. Please feel free to contact us, to get an individual offer including trustee service.
  • Q: Do I have any risks?
    A: No, you can only win! Now you own the money, but you don’t get anything out of it! Please pay attention to our advices for a safe process.
  • Q: Which payout options do you offer?
    A: You can exchange the tender to euro (EUR), dollar (USD, CAD, AUD), pound (GBP), yen (JPY) or any other legit currency. Example: German Mark (DM) to US Dollar (USD) via PayPal.
  • Q: What is the service charge of Euromoney?
    A: The service charge is composed of a fixed value and a variable value based on the trade-in amount. For further information click here. Want to change an exceptionally large amount? Please feel free to contact us, to get an individual offer including trustee service.
  • Q: Service charge - what for?
    A: Our schedule of services:
    1. Providing and shipping of the secure self-addressed envelope
    2. Postage of sending
    3. Counterfeit-check
    4. Personal money exchange in respective nationalbank(s)
    5. Transfer of your money
    6. Overhead costs staff and equipment
    7. Our fair share
  • Q: Why do I only have the option „donate“ and not „payout“?
    A: Please have consideration for the fact that we are starting pay out with 25 Euro. We can’t handle lower amounts without loss, so we take the extra effort only for charity!
  • Q: How can I be sure that my donation arrives the charitable organisation of my choice?
    A: Please find detailed information selecting „donate“ in the topmenu, there you can access the donation-transfer vouchers at any time.
  • Q: Where can i find the former European notes and coins?
    A: Here you’ll find further information, hints & tips
  • Q: How to get even more Money?
    A: Here you’ll find further information, hints & tips
  • Q: Why is there no telefone service installed?
    A: Due to the worldwide nature of our service we would have to offer a very expensive 24 hours hotline. We want to keep the service charge as low as possible.
  • Q: What about the condition the money?
    A: The condition of the bank notes is not important, even if you have severely damaged banknotes, they can usually still be exchanged.

You could not find an answer to your question? Please send us a note. We will help as soon as possible.


Send us a message, we will take care of your request as soon as possible.

Hints and tips
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